Friday, April 11, 2008

IT'S A GIRL......................MAYBE :)

For those of you that haven't heard the great news, we are expecting our third child. I had an ultrasound at 15 weeks and the tech gave her "guess" and said she thinks it is a girl. She said there was no sign of a know what I mean. So we are excited thinking that we may just have a little princess in our home. Life will be good either way. Austin is so dead set on having a sister-that I think this is for him. He told me we have don't have enough girls in our family-since there is only me. I don't mind, I am use to it, growing up with 7 brothers. So we are excited that we may be having a girl. We are at a loss for names, so we would love to hear any of any names you have heard that would be fun.


Allen Family said...

Hmmm, a pink little Sherry. She'll be hot! I'm glad the pregnancy is going well and I'm stoked for you!

Can we play sometime in the near future?

Bob, Emily, Ellie, and Kate said...

I had no idea you were pregnant! Wahoo!!!! This is great news. Girls are wonderful. I have always loved the name Emily, and it sounds great with Anderson... Just jokes, I am very excited for you!

By the way we are going private so could you leave your email on our blog so I can send you an invite?

Jake and Megan said...

How fun! I do have to warn you that girls are way more of drama queens. My 2 girls are so different then my boy,but they are lots of fun to dress! It took me awhile to adjust to 3 kids, but they say if you can have 3 kids you can 9.(no thanks)
Let's play sometime!

Britney and Jaren Jensen said...

I can't believe you didn't tell me. I am seriously the last to know. How am I supposed to make cute bows, headbands, and bracelets if you keep these kind of important facts secret. I hope this baby stays a little girl!!!

Mr. and Mrs. Corbett said...

Congratulations!! I am very excited for you!!! I am glad that everything is going well with your pregnancy! I really hope that it is a little girl. We will have to get together for another chuck e cheese night with the boys!!

Kami Su said...

Congrats! That is so awesome. We had no idea you were expecting again. That is so exciting. And a girl, how fun, especially after 2 boys. I can't get over all the pink and frilly things there are.

Vegas Anderson Clan said...

Yes, I will let everyone know for sure in just over a week if it is a girl or not. We are excited thinking it may be. We may need a little change up from all the blue in our house. :)