Aylssa is down for a nap and the boys are at the cabin hunting. So I have a little time to update out blog. Alyssa was born on Sunday after a long labor process. For some reason I just didn't progress like I did with the boys, but I was under good anestesia so it wasn't too bad--until it was that very time for her to be born. The epiduraly wore off and yes I felt it all. The doctor came back and upped the epidural but it didn't work, so after about 30 minute of trying to not push, waiting for my doctor to arrive, the anestesologist came back and drugged me with something, so strong, the room was spinning and I couldn't breathe very well. I was just laughing at my luck. I couldn't believe it was happening to me. I thought for sure-after Luke-I would never have to feel labor pains again, but just my luck, at just the time she was crowing and time to deliver, I had no pain meds. Oh well, she was worth it. The doctor let me pull her up on my tummy and be the first to see her face.
It was amazing. I fell in love with her straight away. I cried and laughed at the whole experience and just hugged and kissed our Alyssa Rose. At this time we still didn't have a name for her and Nate went with the NICU doctor to get her checked out. When he came back and told me she had high respirations and they were going to admit her to the NICU, I was feeling overwhelmed with the thought that I wasn't going to be able to bring her home with me. We finally came to a decision to name her Alyssa Rose and spent two days in the hospital waiting for her to be well enough to come home. I didn't get to have her with me in the hospital, she had to stay in the NICU under monitors and an IV. I hated to see that sight. We waited all day on Tuesday for the doctor to come to evaluate her. We were told she may have to stay in the hospital longer due to a high billyrubin level. I was just sick, since I was released that afternoon.
Well she was able to come home with us that afternoon and what a joy she has been. Austin and Luke have just been loving on her as Nate has too. None of us can get enough of her sweet little face. So as soon as she is off the billy lights and feeling up to it, we can have visitors. I will let you know. For now, she has to stay under her little paddle light and get better. We love you all and are so grateful for all your prayers and love. She made it here safe and sound and is doing well. Just days old.
Luke can't kiss her enough. He is always asking if he can kiss her and hold her. He will ask, "Can I hold my baby?" He is very tender and gentle with her. I am grateful for that. She doesn't mind all the kisses either, she actually likes it and it soothes her.
He is a doting brother.
Our alien baby. She is under the billy blanket for jaundice. She has to put this paddle light on her back and then tummy for 24 hours until her billyrubin is down. We just wrap her up and put her to sleep. Austin and Luke think it is pretty cool though. I just hate it since I can't hold her as much as I want. Hopefully she won't end up back in the hospital, so we are being faithful with keeping her under the light all day and night.
She doesn't seem to mind, which is a good thing.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Alyssa and Luke
Posted by Vegas Anderson Clan at 12:15 PM
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She is beautiful, and I love the name Alyssa, how perfect! You are such a trooper, I am glad you are both home and safe.
She is even more beautiful each time I see new pictures!! She has a totally different look than the boys which makes me think she looks more like you than Nate. I can't wait to see her and hold her & Did you know vivy had to be hooked up to a billy belth that wrapped around her body. We plugged her into the wall and called her our glow worm baby, so that is what Alyssa is your little glow worm baby!! Hope you are feeling okay & recovering quickly!
She just gets cuter with every day! I cant wait to see her in person again. :) Keep the pictures coming!
Congrats again. I'm glad that you are both doing well. It's always a good feeling to just get them here in our arms. Love and miss you guys.
I hate the Jaundice stuff! All of my kids have had it and it drives me crazy!
I hate the Jaundice stuff! All of my kids have had it and it drives me crazy!
Wow, I can't believe you have a new one. Cathy must be in heaven. I saw your blog of Kristi's blog. Thought I would say congrats on the new one. Hope all is well in Vegas. Let me know how things are with you. It is so much fun to catch up on everyone.
Julee Lamps
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