Nate bought this toy for Alyssa for Christmas. She wasn't big enought for it then but now that she is sitting up by herself and can play, we decided to open it and set it up. Once it was all put together and we turned the music on, she started giggling and smiling from ear to ear. It was so darling. Austin is the best older brother. He is always watching over her. She really is spoiled with love and attention from her older brother. Luke was fast asleep or he would have been right there in all the excitement.
Poor Luke was so sick the last week and a half. He was suffering from bad tummy pains, so bad we took him to the ER last Sunday and had him evaluated. After nearly 24 hours there, a cat scan, x-rays, an ambulance ride, drinking 'contrast' in apple juice, and IV, morphine, and some really yucky hospital food, we went home. He is feeling a lot better and we are still just waiting to get in to get an ultra-sound to see if everything is ok.
I can't believe I didn't know about our little Luke!! You guys should have called us and we could have taken the kids. Let me know if you guys need anything.
BTW those pics of Alyssa are abosultely adorable. She is such a happy baby. I can't wait to watch her again!!
XOXO Melanie
Sherry she is getting so big! I can't believe it. And by the way she is like the cutest little girl ever! She is so lucky to have Austin and Luke as her older brothers! I can't wait to see you guys this week and hopefully Luke is feeling better by the time we go to Disneyland!
She is so stinkin cute!! I can't believe how big she is!!
oooh! I just want to squish her! That looks like a pretty sweet toy.
Hopefully you can come up and play soon. Let me know!
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