My darling nephew and his friend, Jordan, came with us to take the place of Austin
and Luke since they weren't feeling well. They were thilled to see the Jonas Brothers :) especially since we sat in front of about 10 screaming teen-age girls.

Alyssa danced with Grandpa Anderson and Eric. They were both so darling with her. Nate just adores her-I mean she looks just like him. :)

My beautiful, talented niece Ashley,
performed on the stage during the dancing before the concert. She is 3rd from the right. The one with the tan skinny legs. :) She was so fun to watch. She is an amazing dancer.
We had a great 4th of July in Provo, UT. We go every year to a Baugh reunion and then to the Stadium of Fire. My boys were sick with the flu and slept most of the day. They were actually quite miserable, but are now feeling better. My two brothers and their kids came to the parade with us which was a lot of fun for me. I love being around my brothers, their wives and their darling kids since it doesn't happen too often.
So, so good seeing you last weekend! I wish we could get together more often. And little Alyssa could not be more beautiful. I love her!
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