Well I guess I can now blog about my grandma's funeral. She passed away September 4, 2009 in Helena, Montana. She was an awesome grandma. I am going to miss her so much. I have to say that even though we were all very sad to have lost our grandma, we had an amazing time for one day together. This was the first time in 6 years that we have all been together. I had all 7 brothers and my mom and my dad all in one place. I was in heaven-a bit.
The first or one of the first of many houses my dad built. The hospital in Helena, MT where 7 of 8 kids were born. We still let Golden in the photo even though he was born in Rexburg, Idaho.

Another of the houses that some siblings lived in. It was just so fun to hear the stories of us as babies growing up in some of the houses in Helena, Montana, but mostly just being with all 7 of my brothers and my dad was awesome. (Mom stayed at the hotel)

This is the infamous canal where 2 brothers nearly drowned. My parents were great parents, they just let us kids do whatever we wanted, even if that meant a 4-5 year old taking their 3 year old brother down the canal-nearly drowning. And another brother nearly drowning. What fond memories of this canal behind our house. :)

Another of the houses that some siblings lived in. It was just so fun to hear the stories of us as babies growing up in some of the houses in Helena, Montana, but mostly just being with all 7 of my brothers and my dad was awesome. (Mom stayed at the hotel)
How cute is my nephew Caeden and my 'single' brother Adam. My BFF and sister-in-law, Aimee
Outside of Nate-of course! :)
My adorable granddad. What a stud! Caeden and Alyssa managed to do very well.

Can you believe that little adorable lady had all 8 of us? What an amazing woman. We are all serious posers. Can you tell we love the camera-even at a funeral. I love my awesome brothers. I had the best time spending time with them. I miss them because we don't get together very often. It has been 6 years since we have all been together. Too long.
Can you believe that little adorable lady had all 8 of us? What an amazing woman. We are all serious posers. Can you tell we love the camera-even at a funeral. I love my awesome brothers. I had the best time spending time with them. I miss them because we don't get together very often. It has been 6 years since we have all been together. Too long.
What sweet pictures. Isn't it sad that we can go so long without seeing our family. I'm so glad that everyone was able t go up for the funeral.
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