Saturday, January 3, 2009

Christmas 2008

We were trying not to really get Alyssa anything, since she is only 4 months, but her daddy couldn't bare the thought of her not having anything Christmas morning. He convinced Santa to bring her a few things (I didn't have any idea he was getting her so much. haha) Spoiled? Yes, and so worth it.

She actually likes her toys and was grabbing at them.

Our jingle baby girl. Her bow had a jingle on it(I made it on the way to grandmas house) and every time she moved it jingled. We all loved it. She was so adorable. The BYU shirts are from Belmont and Kathy. It is now my favorite shirt. All the kids got them.

Christmas Eve. The boys were so excited for Santa to come. Man, I have good-looking boys, all 3 of them. :)

Christmas Eve cookie decorating. We were trying to keep the kids entertained until bed time.


jaclyn anderson said...

Missed you guys for Christmas! Next year we will be there! I love the BYU t-shirts! They look nice!